NGT BioPharma Consultants

Outsourcing should enhance efficiency. So why does this Tufts study say differently?

outsourcing expertise consultant pharma NGT BioPharma Consultants

Our belief is that consulting service providers should tailor their strategies to fit each clients’ needs and align with their individual resource models and shouldn’t simply provide advice and then walk away — unless a client requests this). A good consultant will work with clients to identify the appropriate tactical team to execute the strategy, whether that be from the consultant’s external network of service providers or from …

Facility Flexibility: Benefits of Modular and Prefabricated Cleanroom and Manufacturing Platforms

how to stay on track with consulting pharma NGT BioPharma Consultants

Prefabricated cleanroom units now replace early generation flexible modular structures, which did not offer enough flexibility to achieve the business objectives of many companies. Today’s units that are built off-site in a matter of months, can be transported and assembled into shell buildings which are erected in parallel with the fabrication of the cleanroom units or the repurposing of an existing …